Sunday, February 04, 2007


that I'm glad I've come across on this cold and snowy week-end:

. . . I grew up in a Montessori environment and I believe that it had an impact on the person I have become. The Montessori Method is about learning by living. Learning in that way, from preschool through eighth grade, I was always allowed to set my own pace, my own goals, and, for the most part, study what I wanted. In unexpected ways, my elementary school experience prepared me well for my college experience. . . . my early education, as well as my parents, fostered an independence that I carried through high school and into college.

~ from an internship essay the Lovely Daughter has written. (Every once in awhile, you sense that maybe you did something right somewhere along the way.)


Outward indications of authentic prayer, however described, are recognizable over time: interor freedom and trust of God, self, and others; greater flexibility and less judgmentalism; lessening of various kinds of fear; a mellowing-out or gentleness; absence of defensiveness; and, of course, peace and joy.

~ from The Spiritual Exercises Reclaimed: Uncovering Liberating Possibilities for Women, by Katherine Dyckman, Mary Garvin & Elizabeth Liebert. (At other times, you sense that you might have a few things to work on.)


[P]oetry: the power of language to restore


How do we know there's a God? Because he keeps disappearing.


The catastrophe of grace.

~ all from Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels. (A guide through the Ignatian Spiriutal Exercises who loves literature is a good person to have in your life.)

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