2. I saw five deer, all together, when I was out walking the other evening. One of them was very small, obviously pretty new.
3. I really don't like living in a house where no cat lies curled up anywhere at all. Today I thought I saw her lying on the pile of papers on the dining room table. But, of course, she wasn't.
4. I'm spending Yom Kippur visiting Steel City Seminary.
5. Some people said some really wonderful things to me this past week. And one person said something really, really terrible. Win some, lose some, I guess.
6. I am struggling to upload pictures today ~ but here's one from Iona that suddenly popped right up. It's a view from what's left of the 13th century nunnery.
7. I've been listening to Vivaldi all week. Everyone should hear Les Violons de France play the Four Seasons in Ste. Chapelle on a summer evening but, barring that, a car CD player will do. (Yes ~ three links there ~ the second one is the music.)
8. Christina Yang has always been my favorite Grey's Anatomy character, but this week Miranda Bailey grabbed that slot.
9. The eighth graders brought a cake to class to celebrate the birthday of one of their number. It was a very large cake.
10. I saw the first juncoes of the fall yesterday. Regular readers know that I do NOT consider that to be a good sign. I know that Theresa loves winter, but I most emphatically do not.