Monday, January 18, 2010

Bad Bad Sermon Moments

Heard in the past week . . . (and paraphrased, due to the memory thing):

"I just don't understand why people absent themselves from church when they are in terrible pain ~ after all, community is where we need to be!"

and . . .

"If you think that God is absent from those who suffer (immediate context: Haiti), then you shouldn't be here!"

One of the writers on Fierce Good-bye says that, "I know from 4 years experience . . . that about half of all [suicide] survivors will either change churches, or stop going to church altogether."

Shall we guess why?


Michelle said...

...when your skin is on inside out, it can be hard to be buffeted by so many. I was very grateful to small communities at daily Mass after Tom died. Sunday Mass was overwhelming.

Karen said...

Absolutely. Totally right on. A book needs to be written and thank you for validating my feelings over and over again. You've got a gift for advocating for grievers. Thank you, thank you and hugs always.
PS. I also appreciate Michelle's choice of words, "when your skin is on inside out". Perfect.

Lori said...

Souffle de feet. Not a tasty dish. Though so often served.


Magdalene6127 said...

I'm with Presbyterian Gal. The best I can do is: Oy.

JACKIE said...

Open mouth and insert foot. God doesn't go anywhere, He's just darned hard to see or feel sometimes. Often the problem isn't God, it's other people. Too many want you to try and put into words what can't be said and to grieve or heal on their timetable not yours or God's.

Anonymous said...

Ye gods. Breathtakingly bad.

In the time when my own grief was really raw many stupid and thoughtless things were said to me. I was mercifully spared such from the pulpit! I was not nice back ....

Today a reminder to think very carefully before opening mouth to avoid inserting foot when in the presence of grief and hurt and pain.

Diane M. Roth said...

ouch. how about, I totally understand why church members absent themselves during times of terrible pain, even though community should be a balm to them, often it isn't, through no fault of their own.

Anonymous said...


Gberger said...


Daisy said...

Amazing how people can say such incredibly stupid things with conviction. With sermons like that, who needs enemies....
