Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Summary Ten Minutes Max

I loved doing the retreat . . . I am grateful to one of my someday-to-be-an-Episcopalian-priest CPE colleagues for showing me how to do annointings . . . wish it hadn't been so gray and chilly out . . . had some wonderful conversations . . . all indications are that it went well . . .

I am really tired and I have a lot of my own reading to catch up on . . .

CPE connections: one of the retreatants recognized me . . . she is a nurse at Giant Famous Hospital . . . we will be there tomorrow for the Lovely Daughter's eye surgery . . . my CPE supervisor will come by for awhile . . . the other retreat director had recently had heart surgery there and I have watched heart surgery there so we had much to discuss . . .

I am having a terrible time getting an internship organized for next year . . . The seminary would not let me start late this year and the church I was so excited about last year is not even thinking intern for next year thanks to the economy . . . I really need to address this problem this week . . .

Lots of people are blogging about writing and new perspectives and new disciplines and Lent . . . In another week I will have been blogging for five years and I think that should have something profound to say but I don't . . . I thought that I would perhaps have a deep and intense experience of Lent but I'm not . . . I have a ridiculous resevoir of self-discipline but no idea about perspective anymore . . .

Last week I spent a few minutes talking to someone who is in the middle of great turmoil, personally and professionally . . . she told me that if she could just get out for a peaceful walk for twenty minutes . . . I told her that she was thinking too small . . . I have been thinking about withdrawing from school and driving to the Coast . . . The Pacific Coast

Or getting on a plane for France and walking the Camino de Santiago . . . if I could just walk some hundreds of miles . . . I had always hoped to walk the Mountains-to-Sea Trail in North Carolina with Chicago Son . . . one of many things that will never happen . . .

More than ten minutes due to interruptions . . .


Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

So glad the retreat went well for you and the participants. Will be thinking of you and Lovely Daughter tomorrow.

There is something alluring about the drives/walk you mention...the duration...the length...the unknown

Anonymous said...

How sad that you may never walk the NC trail. It is a varied trek through all the sections of the state and in the spring or fall you would find much beauty.

Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Oh, Gannet. Oh.

I'm praying.

Lori said...

If you come to the West Coast, come visit me and we can walk around my block (felons permitting).

I have a funny feeling that most people's next year will be put on hold. For various reasons. But it will be OK.

Terri said...

Glad the retreat went well. Hope you find some way to do a really long "walk"...

Ruby said...

My offer of a walk around the Philadelphia Art Museum to see Tanner's Annunciation still stands.

I'll be thinking of you and your daughter today.

Stratoz said...

these ten minute thoughts inspired me to do one this morning. peace.

Anonymous said...

go and walk then. walk until you need to stop walking.

Melissa said...

I don't profess to have even a glimmer of an idea how devastated you are by the death of your son, but I am reading THE SHACK and just wanted to offer it as a suggestion for you. Some people find it controversial, I find it wonderfully comforting and a light unto my spiritual journey. I think of you often as I read it.