Friday, June 15, 2007

Reading: One of My Favorite Topics

And here it is, Today's Friday Five:

1. Fiction: what kind, detective novels, historical stuff, thrillers, romance????

I don't read all that much fiction but, when I do, it's usually in the line of a long and lavish historical novel. As indicated on the sidebar, I am currently reading, sometimes,
The Rebels of Ireland. I am newly motivated to get going again because The Lovely Daughter and I have just come back from seeing The Wind That Shakes the Barley, a brutal but beautifully filmed movie about the 1920-22 Irish uprising against the British, with a focus on two brothers who end up on opposite sides.

I love Jodi Piccoult novels, too.

2. When you get a really good book do you read it all in one chunk or savour it slowly?

I read very very very fast; I'm not much of a savour-er. If it's raining and I have the day off, I will happily read as many pages as I can, but I am more likely to spread a book -- along with the five or six others I am reading -- across several days or weeks.

3. Is there a book you keep returning to and why?

I've probably read
To Kill a Mockingbird 50 or 60 times, Refuge (nonfiction) about ten times ~ and I have a feeling that there are one or two others that I'll be reminded of when I read what other people have to say today. Yep ~ Diane reminds me that I have read Gilead at least three times.

4. Apart from the Bible which non-fiction book has influenced you the most?

I would have to say
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, which is not a book you read so much as a book you do you do with the help of someone else. I've already written a tiny bit about that experience here. (Maybe I have finally reached the point where I can write more. It's taken me a year to digest.) The other one would be Peterson's Field Guide to Birds. Although there are better books on the market now, that's the one that got me started.

5. Describe a perfect place to read. ( could be anywhere!!!)

My favorite place to read is actually my bed. It's next to a long tall window and a bookcase and filled with pillows. But just about anywhere else is also a perfect place to read.


Hot Cup Lutheran said...

ooh ooh oooh... love Irish history - so let me know if The Rebels of Ireland is worth a read!

At first I read too fast and thought your bed had a bookcase full of pillows next to it... ha! Must get more coffee now.

Diane M. Roth said...

Jodi Piccoult is a favorite of our book group as church... really interesting personal/social issues along with the plots. And ah! the ignatian method. (I did my sr. thesis in college on John Donne's Good Friday poem and ignatian influence on him.)

Ruby said...

Gilead is one of my favorite books of all time, as is To Kill a Mockingbird, and that means I will have to try Jodi Piccoult now!

Terri said...

Refuge is one of my favorite books. I was born in SLC (and LDS) so I can truly visualize her and her book. I also enjoyed Red which takes place in South central Utah where my father has a house. sigh.

And I really value the Ignatian method. I'd love to do the 30 day silent retreat sometime....

Anonymous said...

Peterson's Field Guide--that's an interesting choice! My equivalent would be the Hamlyn Guide to Astronomy.

Jan said...

I've never managed to read all of "Giliad," but friends keep recommending it--and now you've read it more than once! Guess I'll have to give it another try--IF I can find it in the piles of books in the corner by my bed.

Lori said...

Bed's my favorite place too! And I can't put down a book that grabs me till it's done either.

Sally said...

I enjoy Jodi Piccoult's novels too- she deals with some tough stuff. I used one of her books "My Sisters Keeper for my ordination selection pannel!

Great paly

Di said...

I went back and read your post about the St. Ig. exercises-- wonderful!