1. Think back to the time you left High School, what were your hopes visions and dreams for your life/ for the world?
This is a sad thing. I don't recall having had any hopes or visions or dreams for my life when I left high school, which only goes to show that even the most rigorous of educations in the most beautiful of settings cannot compensate for a complete lack of an inner sense of self-worth and direction.
As far as the world was concerned, the Vietnam War was in full swing, so my hopes for the world were not much different than they are today, although the geographical focus lies elsewhere now.
2. Have those hopes visions and dreams changed a lot, or are some of them still alive and kicking? (share one if you can)
Ummm.....there have been a few changes. The major problem for the past 20 years and into the forseeable future is that no one, least of all me, could have enough time or energy to fulfill all my grown-up dreams.
3. Hebrews 11:1 " Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. " Comforting, challenging or frustrating?
I usually find faith challenging, often frustrating, and sometimes comforting.
4. If resources were unlimited, and you had free reign to pursue a vision what would it be?
I'm one of those retreat center people. But I'm beginning to have a different sense about that than the place with the water and kayaks I've always imagined. An idea is starting to form in my head about a place in the city that might be available to working people during the day. I think it's emerging out of a dual thought process.
In the first place, I wandered back into the church largely out of my frustrations with and ambivalence about the demands of a corporate legal career. In my late 20s, I was having a hard time reconciling my work with what my education in two religious schools had emphasized as life's priorities in terms of service and justice. Now, of course, I know that the world is full of people trying to reconcile faith and daily life. Maybe a work arena retreat center would be a good thing.
And in the second place, the one thing I have been pretty sure about in the past few years is that I do not want to be called to serve in the city. I so need the balm of the natural world. And therefore, given the general labyrinthine path of my life, I am probably called to serve in the city.
5. Finally with summer upon us- and not to make this too heavy- share your dream holiday....where, when and who with...
Oh, that's too easy. A month in the Cinque Terre, hiking from one charming hostelry to another, with any or all members of my family. Click to enlarge the photo of Manarola, and you can see the paved path along the Mediterranean (where we once spent a day walking) and imagine the rocky path on the hillside above.

Wow! Beautiful!
ooooh, I want to go THERE. Now. I Love your idea about a daytime retreat center for working people...great idea.
Agreed--beautiful picture and very self-revealing play, thanks! And, even though you played later than I did, you weren't the last!
Oh my god, what I wouldn't give to be able to spend a day in that wonderful city on the cliff...
And you know, if you have to serve in the city, the country will always be there as your place of refreshment. Perhaps you will even appreciate it more than if you were there all the time...
A daytime retreat center sounds terrific. One of my best prayer experiences was a group who met for centering prayer at noon once per week. Many came from work. I found it incredibly refreshing.
As for the Cinque Terre, you know I'd join you in a minute.
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