Monday, July 03, 2006

Contradictions Hit The Road

It has forever been my fate or, as I now look at it, a sign of God's grace in my life, to struggle with contradictions, look for possibility in everything, and
try to accomodate mystery without resolution.

A Methodist girl attending a Catholic school.

A descendant of Puritans in love with Gothic cathedrals.

A Presbyterian elder teaching in a Jewish school.

A Protestant woman doing the 19th Annotation version of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises with a Jesuit priest.

And now my Presbyterian self is off to Paris, where nearly 500 years ago Ignatius and his first followers took their initial vows toward lives of contemplation in action in the context of the Roman Catholic Church, and then Iona, where 1500 years ago monks sought lives of mission in the Celtic version of Christianity, 1000 years ago Benedictines sought lives of stability in the Roman version, and 500 years ago the Presbyterians
burned them out.

Let's see just how well I manage to contend
with all of that.

We're leaving Wednesday, but no time to blog tomorrow. I'll try to check in occasionally
during the next few weeks.


Celtic Crosses from Local Cemetery
St. Mary Magdalene Window, Chartres Cathedral
Portrait of St. Ignatius


Anonymous said...

Sounds to me as if you are describing a person with a love of learning and a very open mind. Have a wonderful trip.

Anonymous said...

oops forgot to sign my name to the previous comment.

Anonymous said...

Contradictions... It may seem paradoxical, but as illogical and opposing as these all may appear, it speaks of the unswerving cohesion of your heart and mind to that which surrounds you. I'm reminded here of the consistency within the inconsistent.

Be safe, and have a great trip.

Anonymous said...

Your photographs are so beautiful, have you ever thought of publishing a collection, especially the ones from the cemetery? Have a great trip!


Anonymous said...

Contradictions make life interesting and faith is a never-ending quest/search/examination. I am looking forward to detailed posts and pictures when you return.