Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Move to New Blog

In real life, I don't think that I can ever move. We've lived in this house 26 years and I am a Keeper of Papers and Books and Photos and Clothes That No Longer Fit.

Although ~ I recently talked to a couple who've downsized to a city condo. They told me that it's a two year project, and I believe them. Truthfully, I would love to move down the hill to one of the brand new condos in Little Italy ~ only a few short blocks from University Circle and its museums, the orchestra, and some wonderful possibilities for walking. Or even better ~ to a condo on the lake. (I'm sure those are priced well beyond our means. But the fantasy is a good one.)

If I find myself without employment this summer, I may make a dent in the two-year project.

Anyway, moving to a new blog is complicated, but there are no 20-year-old tax returns and children's artwork to discard. So I'm almost settled in over at


Come and visit!

If I can ever launch the new camera, I'll host a housewarming party.


giggles said...

OH. I lived in the nurses dorm right across the street from Severance Hall for a year. (Could rarely afford to enjoy music there though! There was a music school that did free concerts I enjoyed more often...) Visited the donut shop around the corner (fresh homeade donuts every day! Imagined living in the apartment above THAT joint!)and cheap little Italian restaurants with delicious food. Went to a bar up the hill that played bluegrass once a week..... Best year of my life....

Karen said...

Moving does a soul good...time to discard the accumulated non-essentials. Looking forward to your new blog.

Stratoz said...

my parents have down-sized twice already... God bless them.

alphawoman said...

Reading your blog for years (and years) I am asking myslef if you live in Cleveland. But, I know a lot of people are sensitive about others knowing where they live etc...my friend Gayle won't even join facebook!! Anyway....I have moved three times three times since March 2005 and hate it! I have nothing left but a storage area full of discarded memories.