This morning as I walked around the Little Lakes (where, I am happy to report, after yesterday's sadness, many dogs and humans were out and about, all in joyful partnership with one another), I spent my time alternating between the memorization of Greek articles and a discussion of leach lines (i.e., septic systems) via cell phone with my real estate agent in the southern part of the state. I would stake quite a bit of money on the likelihood that no one else in Greek or Hebrew was discussing leach lines this morning.
Now, as my determined husband continues his dismantling of the hallway ceiling (our own dog is hiding under the bed after looking at me balefully to ask why we are so insistent on demolishing her home), I am off to memorize more Greek and read Karl Rahner and continue my contemplation of that endlessly intriguing question (well, to me, anyway): revelation via scripture or revelation via human experience?
You may recall, of course, that I am a both/and kind of girl.
GG, I'm a both/and kind of person, too. Please post insights from Karl Rahner, whom I like from afar, but can't understand when I read him. The description of your dog and the ceiling demolition is precious.
oh, definitely a both/and...
poor "puppy" all discombulated...
Happy to hear that today's sightings at the lake were all of animals with their humans and that your husband is making progress on the homefront. Cute description of your dog's reactions!
You have a lot to juggle, and I'm impressed.
love these updates.
So sorry about the dog. My husband and I recently acquired a black lab in much the same way. Everyone keeps telling me God sent the dog to us. More likely some jerk who didn't care what happened to his beautiful pup. We call him Jasper the excited dog. I think we will have to change that to Japser the HUGE dog. Yikes. We share the same religion regarding nuertering and spaying. Jazz will be going soon. Shh! He doesn't know.
hey! I left a comment yesterday! hmmm... or thought I did... on the both/and dilemma, which I think is the way to go.
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