Sunday, June 21, 2009


I guess I will stop talking about Hebrew until it and the next six weeks are over. I'm sure that my whining is intolerable, especially to those who have found a deeply spiritual experience in their study of such a beautiful language of God's, a language of such cadence and elegance.

Here's my final (until after July 30, if ever) comment:

I just took a look at the first word of Genesis 22. ("And it happened . . .".) I've probably looked at, dissected, tried to absorb it and all of its three parts maybe 200 times in the last couple of weeks.

I looked at it for maybe the 201st time, and I didn't have the faintest idea what it was.


Kathryn J said...

I don't consider it whining or intolerable. It sounds just awful for you. Everybody has different gifts and, for some, ancient languages are intolerable.

We could trade school complaints via e-mail if it would help!

Joan Calvin said...

Gee, if I quit blogging cause I was whining all the time, I'd never blog.

Michelle said...

I cried aloud to God, cried aloud and he heard me.

I think that is permission to whine (probably wailed originally in Hebrew :) )

Virginia said...

My experience was similar with calculus and physics in college. The best I could hope for was to memorize, but I never had any hope of actually understanding. (Sad to say for a professional scientist....)

Peace, Virginia

Stratoz said...

if you hold it in till after the 30th of July, then I expect one grand murmuring rant for my birthday on the 31st.

Stratoz said...

Though I would also accept a glorious thanskgiving for how Wisdom flowed into you and made the last weeks a joy.

Carol said...

I view it as venting; not whining. And if you can't vent on your blog, where can you do it?