Monday, December 01, 2008

In the Mail

I just drove the two-and-one-half hours back to seminary and made four or five trips from the car to my room. I didn't bring much stuff, because whether I can actually stand to be in seminary three months after the death of my son remains to be seen. I may say the hell with it by tomorrow night. But for now there is still bedding to put together, and books, and some food.

Opened my computer ~ and here is a summary of the email that arrived while I was en route.

From my Presby church: Announcement of the Christmas party for the folks in my general age-range. Canned food and white elephant gifts desired. I don't want to go to any Christmas parties.

From Best Western: Holiday travel deals in Biloxi, Mississippi. Surprisingly, I don't want to go to Biloxi. (No offense to anyone already there.)

From two Jesuits, from two different cities: Notes and encouragment and prayers.

Have I ever mentioned how lucky I am to have these guys in my life?


Joan Calvin said...

I'm praying that you will receive whatever you need to receive and will be able to do whatever you need to do.

Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

Indeed they are a gift.

I admire you, knowing how hard this is for you. Many people would tell me that about my mom, who became a paraplegic at the age of 55. They admired her courage and perserverence. What they did not see (and I did) was how long it took her to get ready to go to an event, how hard it was on her body to do those things, and it took her several days to recover. So,yes I admire you, knowing perhaps what others do not see.
Prayers for this time.

Just noticed your Advent blog so I'll pop over there.

Michelle said...

I'm glad the mail brought prayers and encouragement. My real mail brought a Jesuit missive - from Patient Spiritual Director on sabbatical - also replete with prayers and support. Thank you, Ignatius!

I thought of you last week, when visiting the Jesuit retreat center north of here, I met a Presbyterian minister (actually, the Stated Clerk of a presbytery) over the coffee machine in the kitchen. He showed me the microwave, (how many years have I been going there and NEVER noticed the microwave in the corner...I could have been having real tea with boiling water all this time?!)

We ended up having an hour's conversation about spiritual direction, discernment and ordination in the Presbyterian and Catholic traditions. After which I walked across the hall into the chapel and said a prayer for you...

May God grant you the grace you need to face the moment at hand.

Lori said...

God bless those Jesuits. Gifts indeed.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you peace and continued gifts as you embark over the next few days and weeks.

Stratoz said...

message to Michelle--- the coffee makers at Wernersville have a device attached that releases boiling water for tea. I think the handles are bright red. Took me years to see the ice machine so that I could turn my hot tea into ice tea during summer retreats.

Terri said...

whatever the day prayers are with you...

Heather said...

much love...

Jody Harrington said...

I hope the next few days go well. I'm sure that returning to seminary right now is a big leap of faith for you.

And yes, God bless the Jesuits.

RevDrKate said...

Prayers....One step at a time.

Mary Beth said...

What Joan said. Hugs your way.

Jennifer said...

Prayers here, too.

Mara said...

I'm so glad you have returned to seminary.

I've never heard of a true teacher or healer who didn't have a deep wound. Faith isn't fun. Sometimes its a job. The alarm goes off, you put your feet on the floor, you put your salami sandwich and apple in a paper bag and you get on the bus. Day after day, you schlep forward. Sometimes you have transcendent experiences, but most of the time, you're in the valley with the other searchers. In the valley is where faith is truly lived.

We reach out to each other in our brokenness and confusion, hold hands and lurch toward the Light. You will be a fantastic teacher and healer. You will reach out from your broken place to touch the brokenness in others. Together, we move toward the Light and Love of God.

God bless you, my Sister.
