Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Basement Dreams

In real life, our basement is basically a square with unfinished concrete walls and floor. The washer and dryer are down there, and so are heaps of disorganized clothing, papers, camping equipment, soccer stuff, Christmas decorations ~ the debris of 24 years of living in the same place.

Last night I had another one of those dreams, the dreams in which I go downstairs and discover an endless sequence of rooms.

They were all flooded.

I slogged through about a foot of water, room after room after room.

"We will never be able to sell this house, " I said.


Jan said...

I'm glad it was a dream and not reality. Wonder what that signifies?

Lisa :-] said...

Wow, is that bursting with all kinds of psychological... stuff

Lori said...

Oooh, not fun those dreams. Let's hope it's just an anxiety dream from, maybe eating something spicy last night?

Diane M. Roth said...

flooded, huh. worst nightmare. Our basement is flooded with STUFF.

emmapeelDallas said...

Oh, I have those dreams, but mine are pretty consistently a whole wing of the house closed off that I didn't realize was there, needing renovation, for sure, but with endless possibilities...I think that's pretty straightforward!

Anonymous said...

It seems to go along with the purging thing from the other day. You are "flooded" with stuff. Everywhere. A mesage to rid yourself of more of it before it overtakes you?

Anonymous said...

I have those dreams from time to time. It's not just the basement, but usually an entire undiscovered part of the house. It's never been flooded (thank GOD!) but it's always FULL of stuff....really cool stuff.

Terri said...

Oh...some say that ouor dreams represent aspects of our self - so we are each person in our dream (or rather each person in our dream represents some aspect of our self) and in this case the basement represents some aspect of your self - may be your unconcious self - or may be your deep inner self - and then of course the rest is self-explanatory - this aspect of the self is flooded, maybe drowning in water (which is both life and death), paper, clothes, etc....and you will never be able to sell it - well, that too could mean any number of things.

Someone else once said, speak as if you were each person in the dream and tell the story from that person's perspective...so, if the basement could speak what would it say?

When are finished with this term? Do you get a break for the summer?