We spent the evening having a picnic with friends whose own Lovely Daughter leaves for her junior year abroad later this week. Three of the four Montessori friends were there, each of them in the process of turning twenty this summer.
"We are SO PROUD of you girls," I told them. "How many people have said to me, "Your daughter goes to college in Oregon ? ~ but that's so far! And next year the three of you will be in Singapore, France, and Prague!" They are such wonderful girls: confident, articulate, and good-humored, but also gentle and unassuming. We are indeed all so proud of them.
And I have some more Chicago photos: The Young Adults (including Chicago Son's Girlfriend) in black and white, since The Lovely Daughter would no doubt notice the bruised sheen on her face left over from the Wisdom Teeth Escapade; a four-masted ship docked at Navy Pier; and more from the Stained Glass Museum: a Tiffany window portraying an angel guide, and a window from Chicago's Temple Emmanuel, c. 1908 or 1917.
Great pictures! You mentioned Montessori. Lutheran Chicks #! and #2 both were Montessori girls until Middle School. Absolutely fabulous experience. So affirming, nurturing and just fun!
Yes, our kids -- and the lovely Daughter's Lovely Friends -- were Montessorians from age 3 through 8th grade. We all had some good laughs tonight over their penchant for finding Montessori-like experiences throughout their lives.
Beautiful kids. The windows weren't bad either.
Is your lovely daughter headed to France, Singapore, or Prague? I must have slipped a memory or something.
Mine is Prague for the Spring.
great pictures yes! and such great girls, all to be proud of.
Lovely (adult) chldren, Robin!
And I really love the angel guide stained glass...
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