I have moved a son into a teetering monstrosity of an old hotel-turned-into dorm at Windy City University, where a view of Lake Michigan makes all worthwhile.
I have moved a daughter into a dorm a week after freshman orientation ended and 2000 miles from where she expected to be and watched her rise to the challenge.
I have moved that daughter into a We-Survived-Katrina dorm and wandered a city and coast devastated and largely abandoned but showing signs of determination and the will to survive.
And now -- I have moved myself into a brand new seminary dorm which turns out to be the most luxurious of them all! I have my very own bathroom, something which in the 54 years of my life I have never once enjoyed, and I have AIR CONDITIONING.
It was pretty funny yesterday to see the other women my age helping young people move in as I was moving myself in. I think most of the -- ahem -- older students live in apartment style housing, but the dorm is less expensive, more convenient, and furnished. I saw people dragging mattresses out of vans yesterday -- no thank you! I have done my time in that regard.
I have just the tiniest feeling that I will be mining a good deal of humor from my new situation.
For now, I am back home for a day and a spiritual direction class, and then back to seminary for orientation tomorrow.
Congratulations to you! This is exciting even just to read about!
This sounds like a great adventure, so far...
Best wishes on your journey. I'll be following you with prayer.
I want to live in a dorm again! No scrubbingthe kitchen floor, no cooking, no cleaning up anyone but myself!
For us middle aged women, there is indeed something luxurious about seminary...and at the very least some good humor to be found. whoo hoo. glad this phase of your journey has begun.
Seminary is sounding more and more just right for you! Enjoy!
Bon voyage! A bathroom of one's own is a good thing. Is the bathtub usable?
Life in a dorm with a private bath sounds heavenly about now! Congratulations as you begin this new and exciting phase of your life. In the Jewish tradition we say a prayer called the Shehecheyanu; it's a prayer thanking God for allowing us to reach this season and moment. I just said a shehecheyanu for you, GG.
We did the college orientation with bins thing last year.
air conditioning in your dorm? how do you rate!
can't wait to hear your adventures!
Oh, dorm life! What an opportunity! I admit to a little envy.
woohoo! I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited for you. And so eager for all the stories to follow.
remember, i'm happy to be an e-mail conversation partner through this journey.
Happy First Dorm Day to you. Let the adventure begin!
Oh how fun. Dorm life ... and with A/C and your own bathroom. Like everyone else I so look forward to hearing about all your adventures!
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